
Междисциплинарные исследования

Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
В книге представлена авторская интерпретация актуальных вопросов современной когнитивистики – научно…
В книге представлена авторская интерпретация актуальных вопросов современной когнитивистики – научного направления, изучающего логические и лингвистические единицы языка и мышления в их речевом единстве; описаны основные научные направления, а также понятия и термины, применяемые при изучении проблем национальной ментальности, семантики и теории текста. Даны практические задания для самостоятельных размышлений; книга содержит множество исторических справок, примечаний и лирических отступлений, помогающих читателю ориентироваться в сложных вопросах концептологии. Рекомендуется студентам и аспирантам для первого знакомства с когнитивистикой, а также всем, кого волнуют судьбы коллективного сознания в его национальных формах.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
Основными объектами изучения являются российские эмигранты и беженцы, ремигранты, их правовой статус, их деятельность, направленная на обеспечение правовых условий в странах-реципиентах, необходимых для адаптации к условиям чужой для них государственности в 1920–1940-х гг. В монографии рассматриваются методы решения проблемы внешней миграции, беженства, ремиграции в России (СССР), а также в главных принимающих и транзитных центрах Русского Зарубежья: в странах континентальной Европы (Франции, Германии, Чехословакии, Королевстве сербов, хорватов, словенцев, а с 1929 г. Югославии, Болгарии), в государствах англо-саксонской правовой семьи (США, Великобритании), в лимитрофах (Польше, Эстонии, Латвии, Литве).
Основными объектами исследования являются российские ремигранты (репатрианты и реэмигранты): их социально-экономическая, институционально-организационная, политико-правовая адаптация в 1920–1940 гг. в новое, не имеющее мировых аналогов по форме правления и политическому режиму, государство-правопреемник Российской империи РСФСР (СССР). В этом контексте рассматривается репатриационная политика советского государства, деятельность эмигрантских и международных организаций, принудительного возвращения российских эмигрантов после Второй мировой войны, проблема преференциального статуса «бесподданства» жителей Западных территорий, присоединенных к СССР в 1939–1940 гг., компромиссов и политического противостояния Запада и Советского Союза в вопросах репатриации.
Цель данной монографии – выявить специфику каллиграфии как феномена современной культуры. Компаративный анализ позволил проследить историческое развитие основных коммуникативных стереотипов, связанных с каллиграфией, показать ее роль в различных национальных культурах, систематизировать современные интерпретации каллиграфии. Изучена специфика каллиграфии в «обществе высоких технологий»: показано ее значение в профессиональной (включая дипломатию) и досуговой областях повседневной жизни. Исследована деятельность уникальных центров изучения и обучения каллиграфии – интерактивных музеев, созданных в XXI в. на Востоке (Китай) и на Западе (Россия). В монографии автором предложена модель комплексного междисциплинарного подхода к феномену каллиграфии, обоснована перспективность его изучения в качестве гибкого механизма трансляции культурного наследия, сочетающего инновационные методы создания образов с развитием физической и ментальной активности субъекта (личности). Издание предназначено для широкого круга специалистов в области теории и истории культуры, межкультурной коммуникации, культурологии, искусствоведения, культурной антропологии, педагогики, психологии, а также всех, интересующихся данной тематикой.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
The is designed to encourage research especially in Russian law and legal systems of the countries of Eurasia. It covers recent legal developments in this region, but also those on an international and comparative level. The RLJ is not sponsored or affliated with any university, it is an independent All-Russian interuniversity platform, initiated privately without any support from government authorities. The RLJ encourages comparative research by those who are interested in Russian law, but also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international public and private law, civil and criminal law, constitutional law, civil rights, the theory and history of law, and the relationships between law and culture and other disciplines. A special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary legal research. The RLJ is published in English and appears four times per year. All articles are subject to professional editing by native English-speaking legal scholars. The RLJ is indexed by Scopus and ESCI Web of Science.
В 1995 г. в Турции началось археологическое исследование культового центра Гёбекли Тепе 10-9 тыс. до н.э., продолжающееся до сих пор. Образы, сюжеты, иконографические модели рельефов и скульптур Гёбекли Тепе оказали огромное влияние на историю человеческой культуры. В предлагаемой книге рассматривается только одно направление таких влияний, связывающее артефакты круга Гёбекли Тепе с Северной Африкой: с наскальными изображениями Сахары 7-6 тыс. до н.э. и некоторыми памятниками времени формирования государства Древний Египет. Хранение и распространение культурных стереотипов предположительно осуществлялось посредством обряда инициации и относившихся к нему визуализированных образов и знаков. В работе использованы методы формально-стилистического и сравнительно-исторического анализа большого корпуса археологических материалов на фоне междисциплинарного контекста, состоящего из обзоров ряда публикаций по археологии, лингвистической компаративистике, популяционной генетике и палеогенетике Ближнего Востока и Северной Африки, а также по социальной антропологии. Такой междисциплинарный акцент в рамках монографии, посвященной древнейшим художественным артефактам Ближнего Востока, является первой попыткой своего рода.
Третий выпуск российского межвузовского сборника статей с международным участием посвящен обсуждению…
Третий выпуск российского межвузовского сборника статей с международным участием посвящен обсуждению ряда проблем, связанных с объемом понятий «герой» и «героика», «герой» и «персонаж» в разные исторические эпохи, человеческим идеалом эпохи и его воплощением в литературных произведениях, превращением исторических персонажей в литературных героев, образами антигероев и традициями этико-эстетического противопоставления персонажей и другим. Авторы статей, ученые из России и США, исследуют эти проблемы в рамках методологии сравнительного литературоведения, апеллируя к произведениям западных и русских авторов XVI–XXI веков. Для специалистов в сфере международных литературных связей, студентов гуманитарных факультетов университетов и широкого круга лиц, интересующихся этими проблемами.
Междисциплинарный характер конференции определил тематику работ, вошедших в данный сборник. Статьи затрагивают широкий круг проблем лингвистики, лингводидактики и теории перевода, социолингвистики и когнитивистики. Особое внимание уделяется преподаванию иностранных языков для специальных целей, а также актуальным проблемам межъязыкового и межкультурного взаимодействия и перевода. Сборник предназначен для специалистов в области лингвистики, перевода, межкультурной коммуникации, лингводидактики и методики преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей, а также для всех интересующихся современными тенденциями в этих областях.
С междисциплинарных позиций рассматриваются вопросы формирования цифрового будущего в различных сфер…
С междисциплинарных позиций рассматриваются вопросы формирования цифрового будущего в различных сферах – от философии, культуры, образования и конкретных технических проектов, возможность воплощения которых дают компьютерные технологии, до новых математических моделей и прогнозов. Выделен ряд ключевых направлений, развитие которых может существенно повысить социально-экономическую эффективность программы цифровой экономики.
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