
Книги автора: Gabriel Agbo

Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Эта книга представляет собой замечательный сборник материалов, посвященных проклятиям поколений, и м…
Эта книга представляет собой замечательный сборник материалов, посвященных проклятиям поколений, и мы считаем, что она станет прекрасным дополнением для вашей библиотеки. Это также послужило бы мощным руководством и источником для обучения по этой теме. Большинство людей считают, что когда они приняли Христа в свою жизнь, все проклятия против них были сняты и сломлены. Это правильное утверждение, но давайте посмотрим на Иисуса ,последователя Моисея. Ему обещали землю, но он все еще должен был войти и бороться за нее. Это относится и к нам сегодня, потому что слово в Евангелии от Матфея 11: 12 гласит, что Царство Небесное страдает от насилия, а насилие принимает его силой. Эта книга представляет собой замечательный сборник материалов, посвященных проклятиям поколений, и мы считаем, что она станет прекрасным дополнением для вашей библиотеки. Это также послужило бы мощным руководством и источником для обучения по этой теме. Большинство людей считают, что когда они приняли Христа в свою жизнь, все проклятия против них были сняты и сломлены. Это правильное утверждение, но давайте посмотрим на Иисуса ,последователя Моисея. Ему обещали землю, но он все еще должен был войти и бороться за нее. Это относится и к нам сегодня, потому что слово в Евангелии от Матфея 11: 12 гласит, что Царство Небесное страдает от насилия, а насилие принимает его силой.Как мы узнаем из этого исследования, есть действия, которые были совершены некоторыми людьми, проклявшими свою родословную. Это должно быть решено, прежде чем они смогут полностью освободиться, чтобы исполнить Божий призыв в своей жизни. Преподобный Агбо демонстрирует, что он посвятил много исследований этому предмету и хочет только представить правду. Большинство людей избегают этой темы проклятий поколений и не хотели бы подвергаться ей. Мы были тронуты и благословлены мощной молитвой в конце книги и рекомендуем этого человека Божьего любой церкви или организации говорить на эту тему. Опять же, эта книга заставит вас жить святой жизнью; полностью посвящен Богу. Это касается всех областей жизни.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
«Сила полуночной молитвы», безусловно, станет одной из самых полных и впечатляющих книг о духовной в…
«Сила полуночной молитвы», безусловно, станет одной из самых полных и впечатляющих книг о духовной войне. Ее название основано на недюжинном опыте, свидетельствах и исповедях, от которых кровь стынет в жилах, а также на тщательном изучении Слова Божьего. Эта книга – результат действительно обширной и хорошо проделанной работы. О ней отзываются, как о невероятном произведении. Книга приоткроет секрет огромной, но еще не полностью раскрытой духовной силы, заложенной в молитвах, произносимых с 11 вечера до 3 утра. Насколько хорошо вы знаете о взрывной силе восхваления, молитвы и поста? Знаете ли вы о том, какую роль играют ангелы Божьи, Дух Божий и Огонь Божий в войне против царства тьмы? В этой книге вы узнаете непосредственно из слов бывших великих мастеров оккультизма о том, какое колоссальное разрушительное воздействие оказывают Имя и Кровь Иисуса на царство Сатаны. Что происходит, когда Сатана и его демоны вступают в контакт с этими двумя самыми могущественными элементами Вселенной? Почему при встрече Сатана упал с трона, как только было упомянуто имя Иисуса? Вы знаете о войне врага человечества против церкви, ее служителей и христиан? Как он низвергает, а иногда даже убивает служителей Евангелия? Кто такие подвижники темного царства в церкви? Какая роль отведена воинам молитвы? Для чего царству Сатаны человеческая плоть и кровь? Почему оккультному миру нужны человеческие жертвоприношения? Читайте исповеди бывших подвижников Сатаны и даже выдержки из СМИ, рассказывающие о приношениях людей в жертву и других страшных обрядах, о которых не всякий решится писать. Зачем женщине выкалывать глаза у ползающей девочки-младенца, убивать ее, плачущую и стонущую, истолочь ее плоть и съесть? Какое отношение оккультизм имеет к сексу? Могут ли одержимость злым духом, сделки и проклятия переходить к другим половым путем? Зачем мужчине спать с маленьким мальчиком, отложив в его чрево змею с целью приобрести власть, богатство и положение в обществе? В книге будут раскрыты и другие невероятные темы: борьба с Богом, связывание и освобождение, разрушение ворот, открытые двери, полные Господние Доспехи, ворота Рая и ворота Ада. Двадцать одна мощная глава этой книги, несомненно, воспламенит вашу душу для Бога. Уверен, что вы никогда не читали ничего подобного ранее.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
«Сила полуночной молитвы», безусловно, станет одной из самых полных и впечатляющих книг о духовной в…
«Сила полуночной молитвы», безусловно, станет одной из самых полных и впечатляющих книг о духовной войне. Ее название основано на недюжинном опыте, свидетельствах и исповедях, от которых кровь стынет в жилах, а также на тщательном изучении Слова Божьего. Эта книга – результат действительно обширной и хорошо проделанной работы. О ней отзываются, как о невероятном произведении. Книга приоткроет секрет огромной, но еще не полностью раскрытой духовной силы, заложенной в молитвах, произносимых с 11 вечера до 3 утра. Насколько хорошо вы знаете о взрывной силе восхваления, молитвы и поста? Знаете ли вы о том, какую роль играют ангелы Божьи, Дух Божий и Огонь Божий в войне против царства тьмы? В этой книге вы узнаете непосредственно из слов бывших великих мастеров оккультизма о том, какое колоссальное разрушительное воздействие оказывают Имя и Кровь Иисуса на царство Сатаны. Что происходит, когда Сатана и его демоны вступают в контакт с этими двумя самыми могущественными элементами Вселенной? Почему при встрече Сатана упал с трона, как только было упомянуто имя Иисуса? Вы знаете о войне врага человечества против церкви, ее служителей и христиан? Как он низвергает, а иногда даже убивает служителей Евангелия? Кто такие подвижники темного царства в церкви? Какая роль отведена воинам молитвы? Для чего царству Сатаны человеческая плоть и кровь? Почему оккультному миру нужны человеческие жертвоприношения? Читайте исповеди бывших подвижников Сатаны и даже выдержки из СМИ, рассказывающие о приношениях людей в жертву и других страшных обрядах, о которых не всякий решится писать. Зачем женщине выкалывать глаза у ползающей девочки-младенца, убивать ее, плачущую и стонущую, истолочь ее плоть и съесть? Какое отношение оккультизм имеет к сексу? Могут ли одержимость злым духом, сделки и проклятия переходить к другим половым путем? Зачем мужчине спать с маленьким мальчиком, отложив в его чрево змею с целью приобрести власть, богатство и положение в обществе? В книге будут раскрыты и другие невероятные темы: борьба с Богом, связывание и освобождение, разрушение ворот, открытые двери, полные Господние Доспехи, ворота Рая и ворота Ада. Двадцать одна мощная глава этой книги, несомненно, воспламенит вашу душу для Бога. Уверен, что вы никогда не читали ничего подобного ранее.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Русский
Эта книга представляет собой замечательный сборник материалов, посвященных проклятиям поколений, и м…
Эта книга представляет собой замечательный сборник материалов, посвященных проклятиям поколений, и мы считаем, что она станет прекрасным дополнением для вашей библиотеки. Это также послужило бы мощным руководством и источником для обучения по этой теме. Большинство людей считают, что когда они приняли Христа в свою жизнь, все проклятия против них были сняты и сломлены. Это правильное утверждение, но давайте посмотрим на Иисуса ,последователя Моисея. Ему обещали землю, но он все еще должен был войти и бороться за нее. Это относится и к нам сегодня, потому что слово в Евангелии от Матфея 11: 12 гласит, что Царство Небесное страдает от насилия, а насилие принимает его силой. Эта книга представляет собой замечательный сборник материалов, посвященных проклятиям поколений, и мы считаем, что она станет прекрасным дополнением для вашей библиотеки. Это также послужило бы мощным руководством и источником для обучения по этой теме. Большинство людей считают, что когда они приняли Христа в свою жизнь, все проклятия против них были сняты и сломлены. Это правильное утверждение, но давайте посмотрим на Иисуса ,последователя Моисея. Ему обещали землю, но он все еще должен был войти и бороться за нее. Это относится и к нам сегодня, потому что слово в Евангелии от Матфея 11: 12 гласит, что Царство Небесное страдает от насилия, а насилие принимает его силой.Как мы узнаем из этого исследования, есть действия, которые были совершены некоторыми людьми, проклявшими свою родословную. Это должно быть решено, прежде чем они смогут полностью освободиться, чтобы исполнить Божий призыв в своей жизни. Преподобный Агбо демонстрирует, что он посвятил много исследований этому предмету и хочет только представить правду. Большинство людей избегают этой темы проклятий поколений и не хотели бы подвергаться ей. Мы были тронуты и благословлены мощной молитвой в конце книги и рекомендуем этого человека Божьего любой церкви или организации говорить на эту тему. Опять же, эта книга заставит вас жить святой жизнью; полностью посвящен Богу. Это касается всех областей жизни.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are…
Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Here you will find ten well-loaded and powerful chapters: Prayer of Jehoshaphat, God of Heaven and Earth, It is Our Inheritance, War, Diseases and Famine, See How They Reward Us, Won’t You Stop Them? Don’t be Afraid or Discouraged; It is Not Your Battle, March out and Take Your Positions, and Power of Praise. We also have set of powerful prayer points that will bring immediate results at the end of each chapter.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This boo…
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how dark things look. Here you will find many interesting chapters like: I SHALL NOT DIE, ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD, GO BACK AND TELL HIM, PRAYER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?, DON’T BE AFRAID, DON’T RUN AWAY and GO AND GET MORE VESSELS. There is no need to give up now. Don’t kill yourself. You must stand up, with faith and hope and fight on, face your challenges. Don’t be afraid and don’t run away from them. God has come to help you. Here you will also read how to resist the spirit of frustration, depression and death. Why is the rate of suicide rising? Any solutions??
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This boo…
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how dark things look. Here you will find many interesting chapters like: I SHALL NOT DIE, ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD, GO BACK AND TELL HIM, PRAYER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?, DON’T BE AFRAID, DON’T RUN AWAY and GO AND GET MORE VESSELS. There is no need to give up now. Don’t kill yourself. You must stand up, with faith and hope and fight on, face your challenges. Don’t be afraid and don’t run away from them. God has come to help you. Here you will also read how to resist the spirit of frustration, depression and death. Why is the rate of suicide rising? Any solutions??
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerf…
This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? In this book, you will hear directly from the former grand occult masters of the colossal destructive impact that the name and the blood of Jesus cause in Satan’s kingdom. What happens when Satan and his demons come directly in contact with these two most powerful elements in the universe? Why did Satan fall from his chair in a meeting because the name of Jesus was mentioned? Do you know about the enemy’s war strategies against the church, the Christians and the ministers? How does he bring down and sometimes kill ministers of the gospel? Who are the agents of the dark kingdom in the church? What roles should the prayer warriors play? What is the interest of the kingdom of Satan in human flesh and blood? Why human sacrifices in the occult world? Read various accounts from the former agents of Satan and even the media on sacrificing of humans and other chilling unprintable practices. Why would a woman pluck off the eyes of a crawling baby, slaughter her with all her crying and groaning, and then pound her flesh and eat? What does the occult do with sex? Can evil spirits, covenants and curses be transmitted through sex? Why would a man sleep with a little boy, depositing snake in his stomach just to acquire power, wealth and position? You will also find other explosive topics like wrestling with God, binding and loosing, smashing the gates, open doors, whole armor of God, gates of heaven and gates of hell. The twenty-one power-loaded chapters of this book will surely set you on fire for God. I bet you have never read anything like this before.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through t…
This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough. Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through t…
This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough. Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and to…
Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufacturers, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing these new instruments of sexual pleasure. Today some of these toys act and behave exactly like opposite sex partners in the act. True. But here, we want to look at the origin, intentions, and effects of these toys on the users, especially the spiritual and psychological implications. Sex toys are not new. They have a long history that started with the use of carved objects that represented the penis. Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufacturers, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing these new instruments of sexual pleasure. Today some of these toys act and behave exactly like opposite sex partners in the act. True. But here, we want to look at the origin, intentions, and effects of these toys on the users, especially the spiritual and psychological implications. Sex toys are not new. They have a long history that started with the use of carved objects that represented the penis. The ancient Roman, Greek, Chinese, Asian, Indian had these objects carved out of stones, iron, gold, wood and other materials that were used to drive masturbation. Some of them (like the Greek) also had worship of sex gods and goddesses where these objects are displayed, used and other sexually immoral acts were extensively promoted, including sex with demons and spirits. So, we can rightly say that the foundation of sex toys was that of the desire for ‘unlimited’ pleasure and the worship of demonic gods. This invention metamorphosed into other objects and in the 20th century, we saw the first electric vibrator invented. Since then, it has been a deluge of these manual and later sophisticated instruments of sexual pleasure. Some of them winking and talking! Wow! Now, is sex toy in the original plan of God? And since sexual relationship is a physical, emotional and spiritual connection, does it have any spiritual and emotional side effect?? First, sex toys were not in the original plan of God. What is the connection between using these toys and encounters with sex demons – Incumbus and Succumbus, 'spirit wives and husbands' demonic and dream sex attacks, problems in relationship and life, etc. This book will open your eyes to all these.
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Sacrifices are powerful. Very powerful! The richest man, the strongest man, the most blessed men and…
Sacrifices are powerful. Very powerful! The richest man, the strongest man, the most blessed men and women, the wisest, the greatest king, the most powerful prophets were all men and women of sacrifice. They gave all, risked all for their people, humanity and for God to achieve their goals and feats that even eternity will be proud of. You want to know their secrets? Good. If you want to become great, you must first become a man/woman of sacrifice. All things are possible to them that can pay the price. You will find these highly revealing chapters – Power of Sacrifice, Sacrifice Your Only, I Will Pass Through Egypt, I Will Pay The Price, Follow Me! We Came For You, I Will Preserve You, Cook That Last Meal, Power to Save, Praise, Prayer and Fasting. We have not only discussed the great sacrifices of great men and women in the bible and how their actions made them great, but also people like Yonatan ‘Yoni’ Netanyahu of Israel; the young Israeli Sacrifices are powerful. Very powerful! The richest man, the strongest man, the most blessed men and women, the wisest, the greatest king, the most powerful prophets were all men and women of sacrifice. They gave all, risked all for their people, humanity and for God to achieve their goals and feats that even eternity will be proud of. You want to know their secrets? Good. If you want to become great, you must first become a man/woman of sacrifice. All things are possible to them that can pay the price. You will find these highly revealing chapters – Power of Sacrifice, Sacrifice Your Only, I Will Pass Through Egypt, I Will Pay The Price, Follow Me! We Came For You, I Will Preserve You, Cook That Last Meal, Power to Save, Praise, Prayer and Fasting. We have not only discussed the great sacrifices of great men and women in the bible and how their actions made them great, but also people like Yonatan ‘Yoni’ Netanyahu of Israel; the young Israeli who led the commando unit to rescued the Jewish hostages who were kept in Entebbe airport after their plane was hijacked and diverted to Uganda in 1976. We also looked at some of our military heroes, especially those of the Special Operations – like the SEALs, Delta Force. These men give their best; constantly risk everything, including their lives to defend their people and humanity. They sacrifice their lives to protect others. Jesus said that the greatest sacrifice is for a man to give his life for others. We salute them! They teach us what sacrifice should be. Jesus said that what sacrifice can be greater than a man laying down his life for his friends? We praise their courage and extreme patriotism. Here, we will learn about sacrifices of faith, kindness, patriotism, prayer, fasting and praise. When you go beyond the ordinary in any of the above, you immediately set off divine, unseen, supernatural forces that will respond, rush towards you. Translator: Ian A Miller
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Sacrifices are powerful. Very powerful! The richest man, the strongest man, the most blessed men and…
Sacrifices are powerful. Very powerful! The richest man, the strongest man, the most blessed men and women, the wisest, the greatest king, the most powerful prophets were all men and women of sacrifice. They gave all, risked all for their people, humanity and for God to achieve their goals and feats that even eternity will be proud of. You want to know their secrets? Good. If you want to become great, you must first become a man/woman of sacrifice. All things are possible to them that can pay the price. You will find these highly revealing chapters – Power of Sacrifice, Sacrifice Your Only, I Will Pass Through Egypt, I Will Pay The Price, Follow Me! We Came For You, I Will Preserve You, Cook That Last Meal, Power to Save, Praise, Prayer and Fasting. We have not only discussed the great sacrifices of great men and women in the bible and how their actions made them great, but also people like Yonatan ‘Yoni’ Netanyahu of Israel; the young Israeli Sacrifices are powerful. Very powerful! The richest man, the strongest man, the most blessed men and women, the wisest, the greatest king, the most powerful prophets were all men and women of sacrifice. They gave all, risked all for their people, humanity and for God to achieve their goals and feats that even eternity will be proud of. You want to know their secrets? Good. If you want to become great, you must first become a man/woman of sacrifice. All things are possible to them that can pay the price. You will find these highly revealing chapters – Power of Sacrifice, Sacrifice Your Only, I Will Pass Through Egypt, I Will Pay The Price, Follow Me! We Came For You, I Will Preserve You, Cook That Last Meal, Power to Save, Praise, Prayer and Fasting. We have not only discussed the great sacrifices of great men and women in the bible and how their actions made them great, but also people like Yonatan ‘Yoni’ Netanyahu of Israel; the young Israeli who led the commando unit to rescued the Jewish hostages who were kept in Entebbe airport after their plane was hijacked and diverted to Uganda in 1976. We also looked at some of our military heroes, especially those of the Special Operations – like the SEALs, Delta Force. These men give their best; constantly risk everything, including their lives to defend their people and humanity. They sacrifice their lives to protect others. Jesus said that the greatest sacrifice is for a man to give his life for others. We salute them! They teach us what sacrifice should be. Jesus said that what sacrifice can be greater than a man laying down his life for his friends? We praise their courage and extreme patriotism. Here, we will learn about sacrifices of faith, kindness, patriotism, prayer, fasting and praise. When you go beyond the ordinary in any of the above, you immediately set off divine, unseen, supernatural forces that will respond, rush towards you. Translator: Ian A Miller
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are…
Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Every battle in this life is winnable! All battles that we face whether as individuals or groups are represented in three categories – wars, diseases and famine. Wars represent both physical and spiritual oppositions, battles and conflicts we face daily. Diseases include all sicknesses, infections; curable and incurable diseases. Then, famine or drought involves all economic, financial lack and other challenges. And in this book, we effectively show that it is possible to always go through these challenges and come out victorious. Here, you will find established and tested principles that will permanently put you on the victorious side. They are indeed tested, divine, universal and eternal. They cannot fail! Here you will find ten well-loaded and powerful chapters: Prayer of Jehoshaphat, God of Heaven and Earth, It is Our Inheritance, War, Diseases and Famine, See How They Reward Us, Won’t You Stop Them? Don’t be Afraid or Discouraged; It is Not Your Battle, March out and Take Your Positions, and Power of Praise. We also have set of powerful prayer points that will bring immediate results at the end of each chapter.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This boo…
It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how dark things look. Here you will find many interesting chapters like: I SHALL NOT DIE, ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD, GO BACK AND TELL HIM, PRAYER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?, DON’T BE AFRAID, DON’T RUN AWAY and GO AND GET MORE VESSELS. There is no need to give up now. Don’t kill yourself. You must stand up, with faith and hope and fight on, face your challenges. Don’t be afraid and don’t run away from them. God has come to help you. Here you will also read how to resist the spirit of frustration, depression and death. Why is the rate of suicide rising? Any solutions??
Год выхода: 2021
Язык: Английский
Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and to…
Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufacturers, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing these new instruments of sexual pleasure. Today some of these toys act and behave exactly like opposite sex partners in the act. True. But here, we want to look at the origin, intentions, and effects of these toys on the users, especially the spiritual and psychological implications. Sex toys are not new. They have a long history that started with the use of carved objects that represented the penis. Dealers of sex toys rake in billions of dollars every year. Their products are so diversified and today are available in every part of the world. Now, it looks like this business of artificially or technologically satisfying sexual desires is in vogue. The single, married, old, young today patronise sex toy shops and the manufacturers, wisely too, are steadily churning out more alluring and sophisticated ones. It seems like there will be no end to their innovative ingenuity to inventing these new instruments of sexual pleasure. Today some of these toys act and behave exactly like opposite sex partners in the act. True. But here, we want to look at the origin, intentions, and effects of these toys on the users, especially the spiritual and psychological implications. Sex toys are not new. They have a long history that started with the use of carved objects that represented the penis. The ancient Roman, Greek, Chinese, Asian, Indian had these objects carved out of stones, iron, gold, wood and other materials that were used to drive masturbation. Some of them (like the Greek) also had worship of sex gods and goddesses where these objects are displayed, used and other sexually immoral acts were extensively promoted, including sex with demons and spirits. So, we can rightly say that the foundation of sex toys was that of the desire for ‘unlimited’ pleasure and the worship of demonic gods. This invention metamorphosed into other objects and in the 20th century, we saw the first electric vibrator invented. Since then, it has been a deluge of these manual and later sophisticated instruments of sexual pleasure. Some of them winking and talking! Wow! Now, is sex toy in the original plan of God? And since sexual relationship is a physical, emotional and spiritual connection, does it have any spiritual and emotional side effect?? First, sex toys were not in the original plan of God. What is the connection between using these toys and encounters with sex demons – Incumbus and Succumbus, 'spirit wives and husbands' demonic and dream sex attacks, problems in relationship and life, etc. This book will open your eyes to all these.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerf…
This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? In this book, you will hear directly from the former grand occult masters of the colossal destructive impact that the name and the blood of Jesus cause in Satan’s kingdom. What happens when Satan and his demons come directly in contact with these two most powerful elements in the universe? Why did Satan fall from his chair in a meeting because the name of Jesus was mentioned? Do you know about the enemy’s war strategies against the church, the Christians and the ministers? How does he bring down and sometimes kill ministers of the gospel? Who are the agents of the dark kingdom in the church? What roles should the prayer warriors play? What is the interest of the kingdom of Satan in human flesh and blood? Why human sacrifices in the occult world? Read various accounts from the former agents of Satan and even the media on sacrificing of humans and other chilling unprintable practices. Why would a woman pluck off the eyes of a crawling baby, slaughter her with all her crying and groaning, and then pound her flesh and eat? What does the occult do with sex? Can evil spirits, covenants and curses be transmitted through sex? Why would a man sleep with a little boy, depositing snake in his stomach just to acquire power, wealth and position? You will also find other explosive topics like wrestling with God, binding and loosing, smashing the gates, open doors, whole armor of God, gates of heaven and gates of hell. The twenty-one power-loaded chapters of this book will surely set you on fire for God. I bet you have never read anything like this before.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: Английский
This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through t…
This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough. Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: af
God se verbondsbeloftes stel nooit teleur nie. Hierdie boek sal jou help om al God se beloftes vir j…
God se verbondsbeloftes stel nooit teleur nie. Hierdie boek sal jou help om al God se beloftes vir jou lewe te bereik. Dit is ʼn omvattende studie met persoonlike getuienisse oor die vermoë en gewilligheid van God om al Sy woorde rakend ons uit te voer. Hy het gesê Hy waak oor Sy woorde om hulle te laatgeskied. In hierdie boekkyk ons krities na die dinamika van ʼn goddelike belofte en hoe dit tot stand kom, in stand gehou en versorg word tot verwerkliking. Elke verbondsbelofte het ʼn begin, tydsberekening en voorwaardes. Ons moet dit altyd onthou om in staat te wees om perfek en gemaklik by God se wil vir ons lewens in te skakel. Inderdaad, by God is alles moontlik!
Год выхода: 2020
Язык: el
Οι πωλητές των παιχνιδιών-αντικειμένων του σεξ κερδίζουν δισεκατομμύρια το χρόνο. Τα προϊόντα τους ε…
Οι πωλητές των παιχνιδιών-αντικειμένων του σεξ κερδίζουν δισεκατομμύρια το χρόνο. Τα προϊόντα τους είναι παντού διαθέσιμα. Φαίνεται είναι της μόδας αυτή η τεχνητή ικανοποίηση των σεξουαλικών επιθυμιών. Και διαρκώς εφευρίσκονται καινούρια αντικείμενα. Εδώ όμως θέλουμε να δούμε τις πνευματικές και ψυχολογικές επιπτώσεις στους χρήστες. Τα αντικείμενα του σεξ έχουν ιστορία χιλιάδων χρόνων. Ήδη αρχαίοι πολιτισμοί είχαν αντικείμενα από διάφορα υλικά που χρησιμοποιούσαν για τον αυνανισμό. Κάποιοι λάτρευαν και τους αντίστοιχους θεούς. Επομένως μπορούμε δικαίως να πούμε ότι ο πρωταρχικός λόγος δημιουργίας τους ήταν η λατρεία δαιμονικών θεών. Είναι όμως τα αντικείμενα του σεξ στο σχέδιο του Θεού; Το βιβλίο αυτό θα σας ανοίξει τα μάτια στον αλλόκοτο αυτό κόσμο.
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