
Компьютерное железо

Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Русский
Журнал, посвященный современным издательским технологиям.
Журнал, посвященный современным издательским технологиям.
В учебном пособии рассматриваются основные принципы организации ЭВМ, приведен ряд их наиболее популярных классификаций, выделены ключевые характеристики ЭВМ, а также дано описание важнейших этапов проектирования ЭВМ. Основное внимание уделено вопросам построения процессоров и способам организации их работы. Рассмотрены структуры арифметико-логических устройств (АЛУ), как основного ядра процессоров, а также принципы организации и архитектуры устройств управления (схемно-логических и микропрограммных).
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Русский
Журнал, посвященный современным издательским технологиям.
Журнал, посвященный современным издательским технологиям.
Год выхода: 2023
Язык: az
Yeni maarifçiliyin ideya sələfi rolunda ağlın ehtiraslı tərənnümçüsü, çağdaş Avropa mədəniyyətinin Ş…
Yeni maarifçiliyin ideya sələfi rolunda ağlın ehtiraslı tərənnümçüsü, çağdaş Avropa mədəniyyətinin Şərqdə ilk carçısı Abbasqulu ağa Bakıxanov Qüdsinin elmi, ədəbi, fəlsəfi xidmətləri tarixi əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Abbasqulu ağa Bakıxanov – orta əsrlərdən yeni dövrə, Asiyadan Qərbə, ənənədən müasir mənada elmə keçidi hazırlayan ilk böyük maarifçi ədib və alimdir. O, özünün zirvə məqamına Mirzə Fətəli Axundzadə ilə çatan yeni ictimai fikrin də ilk baniləri və klassik xadimləri sırasındadır. Azərbaycan xalqının böyük mütəfəkkir alim və şairinin zəngin elmi – ədəbi irsindən seçmələrdən ibarət olan bu kitaba müəllifin “Təhzibil – əxlaq”, “Nəsihətlər”, “Kəşfül – Qəraib” əsərləri ilə yanaşı “Kitabi – Əsgəriyyə” povesti, “Mişkatül – ənvar” poeması, lirik şeirləri və mənzum hekayətləri daxil edilmişdir.
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Ноутбук уже давно перестал быть предметом роскоши. Так что при выборе: настольный компьютер или ноутбук – решение очевидно. Но многим ноутбук кажется безумно сложным устройством. Однако ведь мысль о том, что это все надо изучить и освоить, терзает постоянно? Главное – хороший учитель! Если вы держите в руках эту книгу, то такой учитель у вас уже есть: цветные иллюстрации не только порадуют глаз, но и позволят обучаться с бОльшим эффектом. В книге вы найдете все – от азов работы на ноутбуке до настройки некоторых элементов операционной системы.
Рассмотрены основы программирования на языке ассемблера для процессоров ARM на примере Raspberry Pi с операционной системой Raspberry Pi OS. Приведены подробные сведения об архитектуре и особенностях ARM, вызовах операционной системы. Подробно описан синтаксис ассемблера для ARM. Рассмотрены компоновщик GCC, отладка с GDB, использование функций языка C в ассемблере с помощью библиотеки libc. Описаны функции GPIO, система команд ARM Neon и команды Thumb. Все разделы снабжены практическими примерами. Книга ориентирована на начинающих разработчиков, желающих освоить программирование на языке ассемблера для устройств с архитектурой ARM. Электронный архив на сайте издательства содержит исходный код программ из книги.
Книга написана на основе опыта работы с детьми 3–11 классов и посвящена творческим проектам юных программистов и конструкторов. На примере алгоритмов черепашьей графики и простых компьютерных игр дети познакомятся с креативным программированием в визуальной среде Scratch. Рассмотрено применение плат Arduino, плат расширения и различных внешних датчиков в конструкторских проектах начального уровня. Даны основы визуального программирования этих устройств в среде mBlock в двух режимах, интерактивном и автономном, путем написания интерактивных компьютерных игр, в которых управление персонажем осуществляется посредством Arduino-консоли, а также при помощи создания автономных «умных вещей», работающих под управлением Arduino без подключения к компьютеру. Второе издание дополнено проектами продвинутого уровня. Электронный архив на сайте издательства содержит дополнительные материалы и листинги всех программ. Для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Save yourself time, hassle, and confusion with this essential guide to the iPhone! The popularity of…
Save yourself time, hassle, and confusion with this essential guide to the iPhone! The popularity of the iPhone continues to grow every day and shows no sign of slowing down. Now that you've got the latest and greatest iPhone, it's time you discovered all the best and most fun ways to use it! This handy guide presents you with all the important and interesting information you want to know, in a hip, helpful way. Packed with tips, tricks, and techniques, this new edition covers all the practical angles as well as the newest and coolest features, such as iOS 7, Siri, FaceTime video calling, HD video recording, multitasking, and much more. Reveals numerous tips, tricks, and techniques in a handy trim size to help you get the most out of your iPhone 5s or iPhone 5c Features the hip, practical Portable Genius approach, designed to show you the key features that keep your digital lifestyle moving right along Highlights innovative ways to complete various tasks and spare you hassle and aggravation Details working with the newest features, including iOS 6.1, Siri, FaceTime, HD video recording and editing, multitasking, and more iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c Portable Genius is all you need to make the most of your iPhone.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Your visual guide to unlocking the full potential of the Samsung Galaxy Teach Yourself VISUALLY Sams…
Your visual guide to unlocking the full potential of the Samsung Galaxy Teach Yourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy is your step-by-step, visual guide to everything your new phone has to offer. With expert guidance from veteran technology author Guy Hart-Davis, it offers clear, concise instructions and pages of full-color screenshots that make it easy to learn how to fully utilize the Galaxy's latest features and capabilities from initial set-up to staying in touch, organizing your life, playing games, watching media, and more! Configure and get your phone set up just the way you want it Text, e-mail, use social networking, and take pictures easily Get access to the Internet, maps, and navigation in a snap Download apps and sync your Galaxy S6 with other devices Your new Samsung Galaxy can streamline your life and keep you organized – all with the touch of a finger. Make the most of the experience with Teach Yourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy!
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Get the most from Apple's ultracool new MacBook Air Apple's newest MacBook Air is smaller, lighter, …
Get the most from Apple's ultracool new MacBook Air Apple's newest MacBook Air is smaller, lighter, and more powerful than ever. And this convenient little book is loaded with tips and techniques for everything from getting started with your MacBook Air to maximizing power and battery life. Learn innovative ways to accomplish a task more efficiently, master the new features of the MacBook Air, and take advantage of all the remote features and accessories. Fun, hip, and portable, this guide has what every Mac fan needs to know about the MacBook Air. The new MacBook Air features flash storage, longer battery life, a full-sized keyboard with multitouch trackpad, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, and extreme portability This convenient, portable guide explains popular new features and how to make the most of them Covers all the key skills, tools, and shortcuts to make you a more efficient MacBook user Includes plenty of hip tips for configuring the multitouch trackpad, maximizing power, streamlining common tasks, and more As cool as the MacBook Air itself, this book has what you need to maximize your portable computer.
Год выхода: 2022
Язык: Русский
Основы цифровой электроники изложены доступным для начинающих способом – путем создания на макетной …
Основы цифровой электроники изложены доступным для начинающих способом – путем создания на макетной плате простых устройств, которые сразу после сборки начинают работать, не требуя пайки, наладки и программирования. Набор необходимых деталей сведен к минимуму. Рассмотрены цифровые сигналы и двоичная система счисления, простейшие схемы на МОП-транзисторах, устройства цифровой логики на транзисторах и микросхемах, комбинационные и последовательностные схемы, сдвиговые регистры и счетчики. Даны необходимые сведения о работе микропроцессоров и микроконтроллеров. Во втором издании добавлена глава про сопряжение аналоговых и цифровых устройств, описано подключение аналоговых устройств к цифровым схемам, проектирование микропроцессоров и систем на кристалле. Электронный архив на сайте издательства содержит обучающие видеоролики по теме книги.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
The essential guide to building and programming LEGO EV3 interactive robots Exploring LEGO Mindstorm…
The essential guide to building and programming LEGO EV3 interactive robots Exploring LEGO Mindstorms: Tools and Techniques for Building and Programming Robots is the complete guide to getting the most out of your LEGO Mindstorms EV3. Written for hobbyists, young builders, and master builders alike, the book walks you through fundamentals of robot design, construction, and programming using the Mindstorms apparatus and LEGO TECHNIC parts. Tap into your creativity with brainstorming techniques, or follow the plans and blueprints provided on the companion website to complete projects ranging from beginner to advanced. The book begins with the basics of the software and EV3 features then lets you get to work quickly by using projects of increasing complexity to illustrate the topics at hand. Plenty of examples are provided throughout every step of the process, and the companion website features a blog where you can gain the insight and advice of other users. Exploring LEGO Mindstorms contains building and programming challenges written by a recognized authority in LEGO robotics curriculum, and is designed to teach you the fundamentals rather than have you follow a «recipe.» Get started with robot programming with the starter vehicle, Auto-Driver Explore the features of the EV3 brick, a programmable brick Design robot's actions using Action Blocks Incorporate environmental sensors using Infrared, Touch, and Color sensors Expand the use of data in your program by using data wires with Sensor Blocks Process data from the sensors using Data Operations Blocks Using Bluetooth and WiFi with EV3 Build unique EV3 robots that each presents different functions: the Spy Rabbit, a robot that can react to its surroundings; a Sea Turtle robot, Mr. Turto; the Big Belly Bot, a robot that eats and poops; and a Robotic Puppy Guapo Discover ideas and practices that will help you to develop your own method of designing and programming EV3 robots The book also provides extensive programming guidance, from the very basics of block programming through data wiring. You'll learn robotics skills to help with your own creations, and can likely ignite a lasting passion for innovation. Exploring LEGO Mindstorms is the key to unlocking your EV3 potential.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Master programming Arduino with this hands-on guide Arduino Sketches is a practical guide to program…
Master programming Arduino with this hands-on guide Arduino Sketches is a practical guide to programming the increasingly popular microcontroller that brings gadgets to life. Accessible to tech-lovers at any level, this book provides expert instruction on Arduino programming and hands-on practice to test your skills. You'll find coverage of the various Arduino boards, detailed explanations of each standard library, and guidance on creating libraries from scratch – plus practical examples that demonstrate the everyday use of the skills you're learning. Work on increasingly advanced programming projects, and gain more control as you learn about hardware-specific libraries and how to build your own. Take full advantage of the Arduino API, and learn the tips and tricks that will broaden your skillset. The Arduino development board comes with an embedded processor and sockets that allow you to quickly attach peripherals without tools or solders. It's easy to build, easy to program, and requires no specialized hardware. For the hobbyist, it's a dream come true – especially as the popularity of this open-source project inspires even the major tech companies to develop compatible products. Arduino Sketches is a practical, comprehensive guide to getting the most out of your Arduino setup. You'll learn to: Communicate through Ethernet, WiFi, USB, Firmata, and Xbee Find, import, and update user libraries, and learn to create your own Master the Arduino Due, Esplora, Yun, and Robot boards for enhanced communication, signal-sending, and peripherals Play audio files, send keystrokes to a computer, control LED and cursor movement, and more This book presents the Arduino fundamentals in a way that helps you apply future additions to the Arduino language, providing a great foundation in this rapidly-growing project. If you're looking to explore Arduino programming, Arduino Sketches is the toolbox you need to get started.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Learn the Genius tips and tricks that will make your iPad even better – now updated for iPad Air 2 a…
Learn the Genius tips and tricks that will make your iPad even better – now updated for iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3! iPad Portable Genius is a practical, easy to read guide to getting the most out of your iPad. Written in a clear, no-nonsense style, this full-color resource describes the tips and tricks you may not discover on your own. You'll find helpful information about the most commonly used features, along with techniques that can help you do better things faster. Genius icons throughout the text highlight smarter ways to get things done, and plenty of screenshots provide visual examples of the techniques described. With coverage of the latest iOS and the newer-generation iPad Air and iPad mini, this book is a handy reference for any iPad user. Apple's iPad is unrivaled as the industry leader. Each generation of the iPad includes even more features than before, and the app store offers a world of ways to further customize your iPad to suit your needs. iPad Portable Genius gives you the fundamental skills that not only enhance your current iPad use, but also carry over into upgrades, new apps and the underlying techniques that can help you make the most of the iOS. Learn to: Find your way around iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, and older models of the iPad and iPad mini Connect to a network and sync your apps, photos, music, and more Organize your contacts and track your appointments Get more out of e-mail, audio, video, and Web surfing Configure your iPad, download apps, and troubleshoot when things go wrong You've got the most coveted tablet on the market—don't you want to see what it can do? If you're only using your iPad for e-mail and the Internet, you haven't even scratched the surface. iPad Portable Genius is your handy guide to full iPad functionality.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Take a bite out of all your iPhone has to offer As easy and intuitive as the iPhone is, it's more co…
Take a bite out of all your iPhone has to offer As easy and intuitive as the iPhone is, it's more complex than most of us realize—and what's better than learning all the insider tips and tricks with the iPhone Portable Genius, 3rd Edition? Whether you're just starting out with your first iPhone or upgrading to a newer model, this full-color guide will have you tapping, swiping, and typing like an Apple genius in no time. You'll find essential information about iOS, Siri, iCloud, and how to use your phone to manage, organize, and navigate your life. Written in clear, no-nonsense language, iPhone Portable Genius, 3rd Edition offers expert tips and tricks that will save you time and hassles—and help you unlock all your device has to offer. Designed for the visual learner, it provides plenty of full-color screenshots that illustrate exactly what you'll see and do on your iPhone. Plus, 'Genius Icons' throughout the text highlight smarter, more innovative ways to do what you need to do. So what are you waiting for? Everything you need to truly make the most of your iPhone is here. Connect to a network, configure your settings, and work with iCloud Max out the media features, surf the Web, and check your e-mail Manage your contacts, appointments, e-books, and libraries Sync your apps, photos, music, and more
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
Expand Raspberry Pi capabilities with fundamental engineering principles Exploring Raspberry Pi is t…
Expand Raspberry Pi capabilities with fundamental engineering principles Exploring Raspberry Pi is the innovators guide to bringing Raspberry Pi to life. This book favors engineering principles over a 'recipe' approach to give you the skills you need to design and build your own projects. You'll understand the fundamental principles in a way that transfers to any type of electronics, electronic modules, or external peripherals, using a «learning by doing» approach that caters to both beginners and experts. The book begins with basic Linux and programming skills, and helps you stock your inventory with common parts and supplies. Next, you'll learn how to make parts work together to achieve the goals of your project, no matter what type of components you use. The companion website provides a full repository that structures all of the code and scripts, along with links to video tutorials and supplementary content that takes you deeper into your project. The Raspberry Pi's most famous feature is its adaptability. It can be used for thousands of electronic applications, and using the Linux OS expands the functionality even more. This book helps you get the most from your Raspberry Pi, but it also gives you the fundamental engineering skills you need to incorporate any electronics into any project. Develop the Linux and programming skills you need to build basic applications Build your inventory of parts so you can always «make it work» Understand interfacing, controlling, and communicating with almost any component Explore advanced applications with video, audio, real-world interactions, and more Be free to adapt and create with Exploring Raspberry Pi.
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
A visual guide to the latest iPhone technology Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone is the visual guide to…
A visual guide to the latest iPhone technology Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone is the visual guide to mastering the powerful features and functionality of Apple's latest smartphone. Whether you're a newbie or upgrading to the latest model, this easy to navigate guide features visually rich tutorials and plenty of step-by-step instructions to help you make sense of all your iPhone's capabilities—from the most basic to the most advanced. Covering all the exciting features of the latest cutting-edge models, this visual guide helps you learn how to access and download apps, books, music, and video content; send photos and emails; edit movies; synch with Apple devices and services; effectively use the current OS; and much more. Learn the features of iOS with 500 full-color screen shots Master the basic functions of your iPhone and customize its settings to work the way you prefer Ensure you're getting optimal performance from your iPhone Discover how to find the best apps and services to fit your personal and business needs If you learn faster by seeing and doing, this visual guide will quickly help you unlock the many capabilities of the world's favorite smartphone.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Learn to easily build gadgets, gizmos, robots, and more using Arduino Written by Arduino expert Jere…
Learn to easily build gadgets, gizmos, robots, and more using Arduino Written by Arduino expert Jeremy Blum, this unique book uses the popular Arduino microcontroller platform as an instrument to teach you about topics in electrical engineering, programming, and human-computer interaction. Whether you're a budding hobbyist or an engineer, you'll benefit from the perfectly paced lessons that walk you through useful, artistic, and educational exercises that gradually get more advanced. In addition to specific projects, the book shares best practices in programming and design that you can apply to your own projects. Code snippets and schematics will serve as a useful reference for future projects even after you've mastered all the topics in the book. Includes a number of projects that utilize different capabilities of the Arduino, while interfacing with external hardware Features chapters that build upon each other, tying in concepts from previous chapters to illustrate new ones Includes aspects that are accompanied by video tutorials and other multimedia content Covers electrical engineering and programming concepts, interfacing with the world through analog and digital sensors, communicating with a computer and other devices, and internet connectivity Explains how to combine smaller topics into more complex projects Shares downloadable materials and source code for everything covered in the book Projects compatible with many official Arduino boards including Arduino Uno; Arduino Leonardo; Arduino Mega 2560; Arduino Due; Arduino Nano; Arduino Mega ADK; LilyPad Arduino and may work with Arduino-compatible boards such as Freeduino and new third party certified boards such as the Intel Galileo Exploring Arduino takes you on an adventure and provides you with exclusive access to materials not found anywhere else!
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Helpful, easy-to-follow guide for new laptop users over the age of 50 Laptops are fun and more popul…
Helpful, easy-to-follow guide for new laptop users over the age of 50 Laptops are fun and more popular than ever, but they are still computers and come with their own set of issues: easier to steal, more likely to be dropped, often dependent on wireless Internet access, and other concerns. If you're entering the computer world as an older adult—and wondering about laptops—this straightforward, helpful book is for you. Written in full color with lots of screenshots and clear, easy-to-read type, this friendly guide walks you through the process from start to finish: selecting which type of laptop is right for you (PC or Mac?), handling setup, safely adding wireless Internet access, staying secure online, and much more. Provides guidance for purchasing your laptop, bringing it home, and setting up Walks you through all the various connections, buttons and switches Shows you how to connect wirelessly at home and abroad, safely Delves into laptop accessories, whether you need them, and how to get the most out of them Addresses online security issues and how to stay safe Explores troubleshooting problems and how to save your precious data Prepare properly, enjoy the freedom, and maybe even show the kids a thing or two with this fun and practical guide!
Год выхода: 2017
Язык: Английский
In-depth instruction and practical techniques for building with the BeagleBone embedded Linux platfo…
In-depth instruction and practical techniques for building with the BeagleBone embedded Linux platform Exploring BeagleBone is a hands-on guide to bringing gadgets, gizmos, and robots to life using the popular BeagleBone embedded Linux platform. Comprehensive content and deep detail provide more than just a BeagleBone instruction manual—you’ll also learn the underlying engineering techniques that will allow you to create your own projects. The book begins with a foundational primer on essential skills, and then gradually moves into communication, control, and advanced applications using C/C++, allowing you to learn at your own pace. In addition, the book’s companion website features instructional videos, source code, discussion forums, and more, to ensure that you have everything you need. The BeagleBone’s small size, high performance, low cost, and extreme adaptability have made it a favorite development platform, and the Linux software base allows for complex yet flexible functionality. The BeagleBone has applications in smart buildings, robot control, environmental sensing, to name a few; and, expansion boards and peripherals dramatically increase the possibilities. Exploring BeagleBone provides a reader-friendly guide to the device, including a crash course in computer engineering. While following step by step, you can: Get up to speed on embedded Linux, electronics, and programming Master interfacing electronic circuits, buses and modules, with practical examples Explore the Internet-connected BeagleBone and the BeagleBone with a display Apply the BeagleBone to sensing applications, including video and sound Explore the BeagleBone’s Programmable Real-Time Controllers Hands-on learning helps ensure that your new skills stay with you, allowing you to design with electronics, modules, or peripherals even beyond the BeagleBone. Insightful guidance and online peer support help you transition from beginner to expert as you master the techniques presented in Exploring BeagleBone, the practical handbook for the popular computing platform.
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