

Содержит разделы общей рецептуры, общей и частной фармакологии. Включены общие сведения об основных …
Содержит разделы общей рецептуры, общей и частной фармакологии. Включены общие сведения об основных лекарственных формах и правилах их выписывания. Рассматриваются характеристики конкретных фармакологических групп и отдельных препаратов, основных способов введения, всасывания, действия и выделения лекарственных средств, сведения о побочных и токсических действиях препаратов. В каждом разделе указаны цели изучения, подробно рассмотрены вопросы использования препаратов. В конце тем даются задания, а также излагаются основные требования к знаниям и умениям по изучаемому разделу. Соответствует ФГОС СПО последнего поколения. Для студентов фельдшерских и медсестринских отделений как основной или дополнительный материал к лекциям колледжа или училища по курсу фармакологии.
Год выхода: 2005
Язык: Русский
В учебном издании, написанном авторами из Великобритании, изложены основы теоретических концепций би…
В учебном издании, написанном авторами из Великобритании, изложены основы теоретических концепций биохимии и молекулярной биологии в приложении к современным методам исследований, среди которых культивирование клеток, микроскопия, центрифугирование, иммунохимический анализ, методы биоинформатики и генной инженерии, методы выделения и очистки белков, хроматография, масс-спектрометрия, электрофорез, оптические методы и радиоизотопный анализ. Перевод 2-го издания был существенно доработан. Обновлены ссылки на электронные ресурсы. Для студентов вузов, преподавателей и аспирантов медико-биологического профиля, а также специалистов: биохимиков, молекулярных биологов, химиков, биофизиков, фармакологов и медиков, работающих в области фундаментальных исследований.
Год выхода: 2022
Язык: Русский
Учебное пособие из серии «Профильная школа» предназначено для изучения элективного курса общей фарма…
Учебное пособие из серии «Профильная школа» предназначено для изучения элективного курса общей фармакологии в объёме 35 учебных часов в рамках естественнонаучного и универсального профилей обучения на уровне среднего общего образования. В ходе изучения курса учащиеся 10—11 классов познакомятся с историей фармакологии, основами фармакокинетики и фармакодинамики, с задачами фармакотерапии в лечении и профилактике заболеваний. Пособие знакомит учащихся с номенклатурой, терминологией и классификацией лекарственных средств, принципами выписывания рецептов. Пособие может быть использовано в медицинских классах общеобразовательных организаций, а также для организации факультативных занятий на уровне среднего общего образования. Соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту среднего общего образования.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Русский
Эта книга – двойное расследование от известного телеведущего Игоря Прокопенко и доктора Сергея Бубно…
Эта книга – двойное расследование от известного телеведущего Игоря Прокопенко и доктора Сергея Бубновского, чьи методы лечения пользуются широкой и заслуженной популярностью. Проблемы лишнего веса или необходимости оперативного вмешательства, вопрос питания и здорового образа жизни, допингов и витаминов, реальных и вымышленных недугов рассматриваются авторами с точки зрения развития современной цивилизации и со стороны сугубо практической – приводятся комплексы упражнений, которые помогут справиться с тем или иным заболеванием и даже в корне изменить мировоззрение.
Год выхода: 2015
Язык: Русский
Остеопороз, лидер среди заболеваний костей и суставов, требует особенно взвешенного подхода в терапи…
Остеопороз, лидер среди заболеваний костей и суставов, требует особенно взвешенного подхода в терапии. Недостаточная диагностика и побочные эффекты от медикаментозной профилактики, затрагивающие коронарные артерии, – вот только некоторые из актуальных проблем ведения больных с таким диагнозом. А.Л. Вёрткин и соавторы детально рассматривают патогенез, диагностику и фармакотерапию остеопороза в неразрывной связи с кардиологическими рисками. Клинические случаи, данные актуальных исследований и сравнительный анализ схем по профилактике и лечению остеопороза, а также практические рекомендации делают пособие незаменимым в практике терапевтов, травматологов, ревматологов и ортопедов.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The ultimate Canadian guide to prescription medication Over half of all Canadians take at least one …
The ultimate Canadian guide to prescription medication Over half of all Canadians take at least one prescription drug, but most of us know very little about the medication we're taking, including why we've been prescribed anything in the first place. Understanding Prescription Drugs Canadians For Dummies will answer many of the questions Canadians have about prescription drugs, but were afraid ask our doctors and pharmacists. Topics covered include: * What a prescription drug is * Common concerns * Side effects * Ailments and drugs used to treat them * Prescribing practices Understanding Prescription Drugs For Canadians For Dummies will go beyond the encyclopedic and often overwhelming information offered in massive pill books on the Web. It will empower readers, providing them with the knowledge they need as responsible consumers.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
The publication of the second edition of this manual comes at an important juncture in the history o…
The publication of the second edition of this manual comes at an important juncture in the history of clinical research. As advances in information technology make it possible to link individuals and groups in diverse locations in jointly seeking the answers to pressing global health problems, it is critically important to remain vigilant about moral and ethical safeguards for every patient enrolled in a trial. Those who study this manual will be well aware of how to ensure patient safety along with fiscal responsibility, trial efficiency, and research integrity. —Robert Harrington, Professor of Medicine, Director, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA The Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) is one of the world's leading academic clinical research organizations; its mission is to develop and share knowledge that improves the care of patients around the world through innovative clinical research. This concise handbook provides a practical «nuts and bolts» approach to the process of conducting clinical trials, identifying methods and techniques that can be replicated at other institutions and medical practices. Designed for investigators, research coordinators, CRO personnel, students, and others who have a desire to learn about clinical trials, this manual begins with an overview of the historical framework of clinical research, and leads the reader through a discussion of safety concerns and resulting regulations. Topics include Good Clinical Practice, informed consent, management of subject safety and data, as well as monitoring and reporting adverse events. Updated to reflect recent regulatory and clinical developments, the manual reviews the conduct of clinical trials research in an increasingly global context. This new edition has been further expanded to include: In-depth information on conducting clinical trials of medical devices and biologics The role and responsibilities of Institutional Review Boards, and Recent developments regarding subject privacy concerns and regulations. Ethical documents such as the Belmont Report and the Declaration of Helsinki are reviewed in relation to all aspects of clinical research, with a discussion of how researchers should apply the principles outlined in these important documents. This graphically appealing and eminently readable manual also provides sample forms and worksheets to facilitate data management and regulatory record retention; these can be modified and adapted for use at investigative sites.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Lecture Notes provides a clear and accessible overview of all…
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Lecture Notes provides a clear and accessible overview of all the key prescribing topics needed for medical finals and beyond. Detailed coverage and discussion of pharmacology in a clinical context, combined with an easy-to-understand, readable style, helps improve and test understanding of pharmacological principles and reasoning on rotation and into the foundation years. Key features for this edition include: • Clinical scenarios to root each chapter firmly in a real-life setting • Prescribing points flagging up important issues of clinical relevance • Expanded sections on drugs you may need in a hurry, prescribing and its pitfalls, and paediatric prescribing • A self-assessment section to test your knowledge and help prepare for examinations Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Lecture Notes is an ideal resource for all medical students, junior doctors, and other prescribers, whether learning how pharmacological principles relate to clinical situations, brushing up on the basics while on rotation, or looking for a comprehensive overview of prescribing and therapeutics.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
A practical and evidence-based guide for student, pre-registration and qualified pharmacists Symptom…
A practical and evidence-based guide for student, pre-registration and qualified pharmacists Symptoms in the Pharmacy is an indispensable guide to the management of common symptoms seen in the pharmacy. With advice from an author team that includes both pharmacists and GPs, the book covers ailments which will be encountered in the pharmacy on a daily basis. Now in its sixth edition Symptoms in the Pharmacy has been fully revised to reflect the latest evidence and availability of new medicines. There are new sections and case studies for 'POM' to 'P' switches including chloramphenicol, sumatriptan, diclofenac, naproxen and amorolfine. This edition features colour photographs of skin conditions for the first time enabling the differentiation and diagnosis of common complaints. The public health and illness prevention content have been expanded to support this increasingly important aspect of the pharmacist’s work. The book is designed for quick and easy reference with separate chapters for each ailment. Each chapter incorporates a decision making framework in which the information necessary for treatment and suggestions on ‘when to refer’ is distilled into helpful summary boxes. At the end of each chapter there are example case studies providing the view of pharmacists, doctors and patients for most conditions covered. These easy-to-follow- chapters can be read cover to cover or turned to for quick reference. This useful guide should be kept close at hand for frequent consultation.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
This new edition is an updated practical book for junior doctors and medical students making the tra…
This new edition is an updated practical book for junior doctors and medical students making the transition from medical school to life on the wards. This book presents information on 127 drugs, which junior doctors and students are most likely to encounter on hospital wards or during their course of study. The hands-on guide to clinical pharmacology 2nd edition includes sections containing both treatment regimens of common conditions and detailed information on the relevant drugs that will help you obtain a better understanding of therapeutic management. Written to provide a study aid or as a user friendly reference on the wards, the book gives you: An essential learning tool for clinical pharmacology A system based approach A-Z of 127 key drugs in a one-drug-per-page format Important interactions, adverse effects and contraindications A fully indexed text A quick reference, pocket-sized reassurance This book will help take the stress out of clinical pharmacology and pharmacology exams!
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Informed by the experiences and expertise of seasoned pharmacists and GPs, this reference guide prov…
Informed by the experiences and expertise of seasoned pharmacists and GPs, this reference guide provides pharmacists working in the community with the treatment information they need when they need it. Each chapter incorporates a decision-making framework which distills the information necessary for treatment along with suggestions on “when to refer” set off in summary boxes. Throughout elucidating case studies are provided in which pharmacists and doctors describe, in their own words, listening to and treating patients suffering with a range of common problems, from migraine to eczema to IBS. The indispensable guide to assessing and managing common symptoms seen in the pharmacy Includes information about medicines recently reclassified for OTC supply such as those for malaria prophylaxis and psoriasis Now includes more highlights of “Red Flag” signs and symptoms Covers respiratory, gastrointestinal, skin, ear and eye, cardiovascular, and pain conditions Offers specific recommendations for women’s, men’s and children’s health problems Provides decision making support for cases involving ethical dilemmas Features a visual display of guidelines Emphasizes the evidence base for OTC medicines With expert coverage of most common ailments which will be encountered by pharmacists on a daily basis, Symptoms in the Pharmacy, 8th Edition is a professional resource you’ll want to keep close at hand for frequent consultation.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Studies of thermodynamics often fail to demonstrate how the mathematical intricacies of the subject …
Studies of thermodynamics often fail to demonstrate how the mathematical intricacies of the subject relate to practical laboratory applications. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems makes these connections clear, emphasizing specific applications to pharmaceutical systems in a study created specifically for contemporary curriculums at colleges of pharmacy. Students investigating drug discovery, drug delivery, and drug action will benefit from Kenneth Connors’s authoritative treatment of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as well as his attention to drug molecules and experimental considerations. An extensive appendix that reviews the mathematics needed to master the pharmacy curriculum proves an invaluable reference. Connors divides his one-of-a-kind text into three sections: Basic Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Physical Processes, and Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes; chapters include: Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics The Entropy Concept Phase Transformations Solubility Acid-Base Equilibria Noncovalent Binding Equilibria Thermodynamics need not be a mystery nor be confined to the realm of mathematical theory. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems introduces students of pharmacy to the profound thermodynamic applications in the laboratory while also serving as a handy resource for practicing researchers.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Statistics show that out of five thousand compounds with initial promise, five will go into human cl…
Statistics show that out of five thousand compounds with initial promise, five will go into human clinical trials, and only one will become an approved drug. This tiny fraction illustrates the huge complexities involved in bringing a drug to market, a process that brings together scientific research, medical ethics, business, and various regulatory agencies. Drugs-From Discovery to Approval presents a clear, step-by-step overview of the entire process. Using simple language, this comprehensive guide introduces basic concepts, then moves on to discuss disease target selection and the discovery processes for both small and large molecule drugs. Subsequent chapters explain preclinical studies, clinical trials, regulatory issues, good manufacturing practices (GMPs), and perspectives on the future. Coverage also includes: * A helpful listing of current FDA and European guidelines * A special section on regulatory authorities and processes in Japan and China * Rich illustrations throughout, including more than ninety figures and tables * Useful appendices on the history of drug discovery and development * Representative examples of drug mechanisms in action Written for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, and readily accessible for students of pharmacy or medicine and others interested in drug discovery, Drugs-From Discovery to Approval represents a practical and approachable reference on this important process.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
The hands-on guide to practical prescribing is a concise, easy-to-use guide to the practical aspects…
The hands-on guide to practical prescribing is a concise, easy-to-use guide to the practical aspects of pharmacology for junior doctors who are making the transition from studying pharmacology to prescribing drugs for the first time. This new addition to 'The hands-on guide' series brings together the core pharmacological knowledge required by house officers, structured in a way to address the very hands-on, practical aspects of prescribing. This book is not designed to replace the factual drug information in the BNF, but to complement and build upon it, so that The hands-on guide to practical prescribing provides junior doctors with a solid guide to prescribing in the clinical setting. Beginning with the general principles of prescribing and basics of writing a prescription form, the book guides you through topics such as using the BNF, drug interactions and monitoring toxicity, before moving on to cover both surgical and medical topics such as preoperative and postoperative patients, prophylaxis, organ failure and diabetes. The hands-on guide to practical prescribing is a problem-based book that covers the common problems and questions a house officer might encounter, and will be an invaluable guide to life on the wards. The authors are specialist registrars in medicine and surgery, have undertaken SHO and registrar posts in the major specialities and also write and teach regularly on clinical pharmacology.
Год выхода: 2019
Язык: Английский
Symptoms in the Pharmacy presents a guide to the management of common symptoms seen in the pharmacy,…
Symptoms in the Pharmacy presents a guide to the management of common symptoms seen in the pharmacy, with advice from an author team that includes both pharmacists and GPs. With the continued emphasis on the pharmacist's role as a 'first port of call' in response to symptoms, the need for effective communication and interpersonal skills remains paramount. This book provides the pharmacist with the appropriate techniques for gathering information to meet the needs of patient safety in a way that is acceptable to the public. Case studies and comments from the pharmacist's and doctor's perspective are included throughout. This is now the fifth edition of Symptoms in the Pharmacy. The text has been fully revised to reflect the latest 'prescription only medicine' to 'pharmacy medicine' switches. Changes in medicine use, cautions and contraindications where recent evidence has shown new safety concerns are also covered. Similarly, where new evidence has shown treatments to be less effective and thus superseded, they have been removed. Reviewer: A reader from Bradford UK This book is an excellent guide for either trainee or newly qualified pharmacists. It covers most ailments which may be encountered on a daily basis in the community pharmacy and describes features of more serious underlying disease to aid diagnosis or referral. It is well presented and clearly laid out with separate chapters for each ailment. At the end of each chapter are example case studies giving in summary both the view of a pharmacist and medical doctor for each condition. My only criticism is that there are no illustrations or diagrams which I feel would have been helpful when describing clinical features of some conditions. Nonetheless there are clear descriptions of each ailment, highlighting symptoms, possible causes and most appropriate treatments. Importantly it gives clear guidelines on when to refer presenting ailments to a doctor. It is comparable in style to the title Minor Illness or Major Disease, however this title is illustrated with photographs of illness to aid recognition. A useful guide for all student pharmacists, preregistration pharmacists and possibly newly qualified pharmacists.
Тысячи ученых путем проб и ошибок трудились над тем, чтобы лекарство работало, чтобы вам удобно было его проглотить, чтобы оно подействовало как можно скорее и без побочных эффектов. Эта книга от доказательного фармацевта познакомит вас с огромным миром таблеток и пилюль, а еще ответит на множество вопросов, которые задает почти каждый человек, желающий купить лекарство, которое ему поможет. Действительно ли время приема так важно? И дело не только в том, до еды или после еды. Откуда болеутоляющее средство знает, что оно должно оказывать облегчающее действие на голову? Неужели никогда нельзя принимать антибиотики, запивая их молоком? Как справиться с побочными эффектами или как избежать опасного взаимодействия с едой и напитками? Как бонус, в середине книги автор приводит подробный список препаратов, на которых можно безопасно сэкономить (дженерики). ВНИМАНИЕ! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Перед совершением любых рекомендуемых действий необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
This resource provides thorough coverage of pharmacogenetics and its impact on pharmaceuticals, ther…
This resource provides thorough coverage of pharmacogenetics and its impact on pharmaceuticals, therapeutics, and clinical practice. It opens with the basics of pharmacogenetics, including drug disposition and pharmacodynamics. The following section moves into specific disease areas, including cardiovascular, psychiatry, cancer, asthma/COPD, adverse drug reactions, transplantation, inflammatory bowel disease, and pain medication. Clinical practice and ethical issues make up the third section, with the fourth devoted to technologies like genotyping, genomics, and proteomics. In the fifth part, chapters discuss the impact of key regulatory issues on the pharmaceutical industry.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
Development of Vaccines: From Discovery to Clinical Testing outlines the critical steps, and analyti…
Development of Vaccines: From Discovery to Clinical Testing outlines the critical steps, and analytical tools and techniques, needed to take a vaccine from discovery through a successful clinical trial. Contributions from leading experts in the critical areas of vaccine expression, purification, formulation, pre-clinical testing and regulatory submissions make this book an authoritative collection of issues, challenges and solutions for progressing a biologic drug formulation from its early stage of discovery into its final clinical testing. A section with details and real-life experiences of toxicology testing and regulatory filing for vaccines is also included.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
This book explains the importance and practice of pediatric drug testing for pharmaceutical and toxi…
This book explains the importance and practice of pediatric drug testing for pharmaceutical and toxicology professionals. It describes the practical and ethical issues regarding non-clinical testing to meet US FDA Guidelines, differences resulting from the new European EMEA legislation, and how to develop appropriate information for submission to both agencies. It also provides practical study designs and approaches that can be used to meet international requirements. Covering the full scope of non-clinical testing, regulations, models, practice, and relation to clinical trials, this text offers a comprehensive and up-to-date resource.
Год выхода: 2018
Язык: Английский
This book reviews advances in understanding phosphodiesterases within the central nervous system and…
This book reviews advances in understanding phosphodiesterases within the central nervous system and their therapeutic applications. A range of expert authors from both academia and industry describe these, then focus on the areas of greatest scientific and medical interest to provide more detailed coverage. Therapeutic and drug discovery applications are covered for diseases including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, erectile dysfunction, and spinal cord injuries. There is also a chapter on drug discovery tools such as in vitro assays and X-ray structures for medicinal chemistry studies.
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