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The Disgraced Marchioness

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019

Полная версия

SHOCKING! Henry Faringdon, the new Marquis of Burford, returns home and makes a shocking discovery. On his departure to America, his brother Thomas had married the woman who’d stolen Henry’s heart—the alluring Miss Eleanor Stamford.OUTRAGEOUS!Now a widow, with a babe in arms, Eleanor is as dismayed to see Henry as he is to see her. Even more so when a gentleman arrives announcing his sister to be the true marchioness, claiming she married Thomas in secret years before!SCANDALOUS!Embroiled in a scandal that could ultimately lead to Eleanor’s disgrace, it is up to the Faringdons to uncover the truth behind such wicked allegations… to clear their family name…and to rekindle the love of a man and a woman….

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